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Dr. Martin Luther KinG Jr. and the Jews #660

01/15/2021 05:43:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Va'era   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Jews

If there was ever anyone who understood the parallels between the Jewish and African American journeys — it was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In 1958, speaking at the American Jewish Committee convention, Dr. King observed:

“My people were brought to America in chains. Your people were driven here to escape the chains fashioned for them in Europe....Read more...

The Meaning of Your Name #659

01/08/2021 05:35:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Shemot   The Meaning of Your Name

I’d like you to do something.

Please raise your hand, if you are named after someone in your family, who no longer walks this earth.

You are not alone.

Most Jewish people carry the name of a grandparent, aunt, uncle or family friend. Who are you named after?

This question is important because these days, while many couples struggle with what to name...Read more...

Knock Before You Enter #658

01/01/2021 05:40:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Vayechi:
"Israel summoned his strength and sat up in bed”
(Genesis 48:2)   "Knock Before you Enter"


I heard a story years ago about a well-intentioned group of missionaries who traveled to Uganda in hope of improving the lives of those in need.

Through their travels through rural regions, they noticed that every day, the residents of one village walked almost two miles in each...Read more...

The Jacob Vaccine #657

12/25/2020 04:30:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Vayiggash:
"Do not be distressed you sold me in Egypt. It was to save life that God sent me ahead of you.”
(Genesis 45:5)   The Jacob Vaccine


There are many types of vaccines.

On our minds these days, is the vaccine against COVID-19, which is beginning to make its way across the world.

The idea behind a vaccine, of course, is that it immunizes us against a physical disease...Read more...

Billions in Wasted Food #656

12/18/2020 06:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Miketz:
"Immediately ahead are seven years of great abundance in the land of Egypt. After them will come seven years of famine, and all the abundance in the land of Egypt will be forgotten.”
(Genesis 41:30)   Billions in Wasted Food


There is enough food in this world to feed everyone, if we would just learn to manage it better.

That’s one of the significant messages that radiates...

Chanukah: Who is your Guiding Light? #655

12/11/2020 05:55:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Chanukah: Who is your Guilding Light?

In the days preceding Chanukah, I found myself watching a miniseries on Netflix, which prompted me to ask the question:

Who is your Mr. Shaibel?

Mr. Shaibel is the gruff custodian, who — in the Queen’s Gambit — often languishes in the darkened basement of a Lexington, Kentucky orphanage, playing chess by himself.

He is not your typical hero.

One day,...

Rachel's Tears, and the First Unveiling #654

12/04/2020 05:30:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Vayishach:
"A voice is heard in Ramah… Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”
(Jeremiah 35:15)   Rachel's tears, and the first unveiling


If you have ever attended an unveiling service, or felt lost as a Jew within the larger secular world, then this week’s Torah portion calls out to you.

And it all revolves around a...

No Thank-You Cards for Santa #653

11/27/2020 04:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Vayetze:
"This time, I will praise the Lord." Therefore, she named him Judah”
(Genesis 29:35)   No Thank-You Cards for santa


Embedded in the name of every Jew is a word, which over thousands of years, has helped define who we are. That word is “thanksgiving.”

For, the words, “thank you,” are essential to how we, as Jews, interact with God and with humanity.

That simple...

Jews and Jobs #652

11/20/2020 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Toldot:
"Have you not but one blessing, Father?..“And Esau wept aloud.”
(Genesis 27:38)   Jews and Jobs


I recall a story about a cousin, who, in her childhood, was asked, “Which person in the world do you respect the most?”

Her teacher wondered: “Would it be the President, or perhaps the Prime Minister of Israel, or maybe the first person to walk on the moon?”


Kindness Over Might #651

11/13/2020 04:34:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Parashat Chayei Sarah:
"Drink, my Lord....and I will also draw for your camels until they finish drinking.”
(Genesis 24:18, 19)   Kindness Over Might


One of Judaism’s greatest rabbis, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972), wrote in his later years:

“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.”

It’s an amazing insight from a rabbi who on...

Sun, November 24 2024 23 Cheshvan 5785