The CTI Anthem — Who We Are
CTI's Anthem, "We Are One" video.
To Your Health... Dealing with Truama
As part of CTI's To Your Health Series, Dr. Holly Shaw presented this compelling talk on dealing with trauma.
Rabbi's Blog
How does the weekly Torah portion inspire us to examine our personal relationships, our daily behavior, our values and spirituality?
From Whom Did You Learn "Your" Torah? #863
Thursday, Feb 13 10:00amThe Voice of Women #862
Friday, Feb 7 5:00pmNowhere Without our Children and Elders #861
Friday, Jan 31 5:00pmReclaiming our Voice #860
Friday, Jan 24 5:00pmWhat's in Your Hebrew Name? #859
Friday, Jan 17 5:00amLimud registration is open
Limud 2024-2025 REGISTRATION is Open!
fOR MORE INFORMATION, Contact: DrLisa@ctionline.org
The Sharyn Berliner
PJ Library
TOT Shabbat Program
CTI’S TOT SHABBAT PROGRAM NURTURES A SENSE OF BEING JEWISH with Torah Stories, Dinner, Arts & Crafts, Fun, Songs, Games and Laughter. Programs held monthly on a Friday evening. For Information Contact Lisa Aamodt, Education Director, DrLisa@ctionline.org, 516-676-5080.
Kiki's Kids Youth GRoup
Youth Group 2024-2025 is available for Pre-K through 7th grade, and takes place on Sundays, after Limud, from 12:30-2:00 pm. Includes lunch and various fun-filled activites!
Stay tuned for the 2024-25 calendar.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, Contact: MorahLisaA@gmail.com
Kiki's Kids TEENS Programs
registration is open
Limud Teen Programs, and Madrichim Programs for grades 8-12 – Fall/Winter 2024-2025
Click here to register for our teen programs
fOR MORE INFORMATION, Contact: DrLisa@ctionline.org
Clara coloring at Shalom Play Group.
Madden joins his Limud classmates through online remote learning.
LIMUD is not your grandparent's Hebrew school--children are actually excited to attend. Teaching focuses, above all, on "values" and "experiential learning."
Join Us!
The Mitzvah Squad
Cantor Gustavo shares some holiday spirit —blowing the shofar for congregants, Vivian Schachter and Roz Pearl.
This Museum Not Only Made Me More Aware Of My Jewish Heritage, But Also Of The Horror That Was The Holocaust. It Was Really Inspiring To See How People Found Ways To Keep Judaism Alive. - Zosia
CTI SOUPER HEROES — WITH RABBI HUBERMAN — help prepare lentil soup for distribution to Glen Cove Men's Shelter and CTI congregants unable to leave their homes.
You can be a part of it!
Liam's Eagle Scout project, The Forgotten Children's Holocaust Memorial is finally in place!
Now you have the opportunity to add to his installation — by purchasing an inscribed brick in memorial. Click here to download the form.
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
What People are Saying . . .
"The CTI experience provides us with an opportunity to engage with our spiritually at our own pace and as we are most comfortable. Our Rabbi recently shared the importance of ensuring that all members are able to freely take part without ever being 'Jewbarrassed.' We are very honored to be part of CTI and appreciate the journey as we support our children in strengthening their connection to Judaism."
– Chad & Lauren Altman
" 'Try to make the world a better place.' I learned it at CTI. Next to being healthy, it is definitely the best feeling ever!
So, I am grateful for the place I call home in my heart — CTI with its special Jewish practices, traditions and family I TREASURE whenever I spend time with them." – Beth LaBaw
"I feel close to your community there in Glen Cove again, and it has really been a blessing and a lighthouse in the pandemic storm to me to attend the services and participate. You do indeed, have a holy community." – Beth Singer Washington, DC
"We were looking for a communal home, which was not just about prayer and learning. It's about people connecting with people."
"Even though I was raised Reform, I discovered this Temple after being invited to a few very nice family programs that my child enjoyed. At one event, I began a conversation with the Cantor Gustavo Gitlin. A happy and engaging man who brings music and kindness to all that are lucky enough to meet him. At another family event, I met Rabbi Irwin Huberman, an approachable Rabbi who engages both children and adults in lively and thoughtful discussion. He connects people through conversation, music, community and spirituality. My family's experiences CTI have been wonderful. The Cantor taught my son to ride a bike, This is what religion should provide people with, wherever they are on their spiritual journey. CTI is a sanctuary."
– Daryl Katz
"CTI is an amazing community. It is welcoming to everyone. My favorite is the Friday night Kabbalah Shabbat services, that I can, again, be part of. Thank you Zoom. I now live in NC and continue to be a member of CTI. Rabbi and Cantor have always reached out to me, as if I was still there. And that is where my heart is." – Judy Rosalez
In-Person and Virtual Shabbat Candle Lighting & Service - Friday, 7:00 pm.
Saturday, 10:00 am.
Online & In-person Morning Minyan Services - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday mornings, 8:15 am.
Online & In-Person Shacharit Minyan Service - Sunday morning, 9:30 am.
CTI Videos
CTI's Dayenu 2021
Vehi Sheamda
"Oseh Shalom"
CTI's Rosh Hashanah "Blessing of the Children"
We Welcome Families of All Backgrounds
The Campaign for CTI
There are many ways to make a contribution to CTI. Click here to view the many giving opportunities.
Jewish Recovery
Our Concerned Persons Group, empowers family members of loved ones wrestling with substance abuse, a safe sanctuary to share. Coping with the stress of championing a loved one’s recovery, takes recovery resiliency. Please contact jane.fox@nerali.org for more information call: Jane Fox, Certified Recovery Coach, 516-945-9856.
Visit Our Gift Shop
CTI congregants and the NY Mets paid tribute to the late Daivd Levine on August 30, 2022 at CitiField, as his son, Adam, led fans in the National Anthem.
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