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Visiting the Sick:  Is There a Right Time? #858

01/10/2025 05:00:01 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

 Parashat Vayechi

   Visiting the Sick:  Is There a Right Time?

The Cantor and I often face a dilemma when we learn that someone in our community is ill.

“Do we pay a visit or not?”—or more importantly—”Would a visit be appreciated or make a difference?”

Twenty years ago, as a novice rabbi, I made a wrong decision, which,...Read more...

Dads and their Imperfect Journeys  #857

01/03/2025 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

 Parashat Vayigash

“I am Joseph.  Is my father still well?" (Genesis 45:3)

   Dads and Their Imperfect Journeys

Relationships between fathers and their children are, perhaps, among the most complex of all human dynamics.

Traditionally, fathers serve many roles. They are protectors and providers. They are fixers, guardians and...Read more...

What Does "Israel" Really Mean? #856

12/13/2024 05:00:38 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

 Parashat Vayishlach

“For you have wrestled with beings divine and you have prevailed “ (Genesis 32:29)

   What Does "Israel" Really Mean?

Everyone reading this e-sermon has heard the word, “Israel.”

The name identifies the only democracy in the Middle East. Each of us is a “Child of Israel.” Israel is embedded in the name of...Read more...

Running From OUr Problems #855

12/06/2024 03:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

 Parashat Vayetze

“If God remains with me, if God protects me on this journey that I am making, and gives me bread to eat and clothing to wear, and if I return safe to my father’s house— the Lord shall be my God.” (Genesis 28:20:21)

   Running from our Problems

I’m going to share a little secret. It has been asked many times: “How is it that the...Read more...

The "R-Rated Torah"#853

11/22/2024 11:39:27 AM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

     Parashat Chayei Sara

    The "R Rated Torah"

The Torah has always been regarded as a little bit stodgy when it comes to love and sex.

The religion that we practice today often relegates these topics to the inner pages of the Talmud, or various mystical texts.

One of Judaism’s most erotic books, the Song of Songs, was the...Read more...

Leaving God Behind #852

11/15/2024 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

     Parashat Yayera

    Leaving God Behind

It doesn’t take long in this week’s Torah portion for Jewish tradition to make an important theological point.

God does not play, “Let’s make a deal.”

Of course, it is natural, when trouble hits, that we direct prayers to heaven—and declare—“God if you get me through...Read more...

Your Name Means Something #851

11/08/2024 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

     Parashat Lech Lecha

    Your Name Means Something

About a month ago, I watched a compelling PBS documentary about one of baseball’s greatest players, Roberto Clemente.

 In many ways, Clemente was the Hispanic parallel to Jackie Robinson. Robinson, of course, was the first African American major league baseball player, while Clemente,...Read more...

Democracy as a Jewish Practice #850

11/01/2024 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

     Simchat Noach

    Democracy as a Jewish Practice

On April 2, 1982, President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation declaring a “National Day of Reflection,” in honor of the Torah’s “Seven Commandments.”

Yes, the Seven Commandments. Reagan correctly termed them the Noahide Laws, defining that list as “a moral code for all of us,...Read more...

The Rabbi and the "Ugly" Man  #849  

10/25/2024 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

     Simchat Torah

    The Rabbi and the "Ugly" Man

A story in the Talmud tells of the wise Rabbi Elazar, who thinks he knows it all.

One day, Rabbi Elazar is riding his donkey along the banks of a river. He has just finished a study session with his mentor, and—as we would term it today—is “extremely full of...Read more...


10/18/2024 05:00:00 PM


Rabbi Irwin Huberman

     Shabbat Sukkot

    Sukkot and the Tenements

One day in 1907, my maternal grandfather, Nissan, 19, walked off a boat in Quebec City and was thrust into the modern world. 

He was born and raised in a small Russian village—a perilous world where Jews were often targets of persecution and discrimination. But here he was in a new land,...Read more...

Wed, January 15 2025 15 Teves 5785